GIS Integration
Omega Computers is able to assist you with determining what GIS Integration options will work best for you. With years of experience utilizing ESRI and other GIS products, Omega can provide you with customized utilities to meet your needs, provide assistance with data design and information for your personnel.Ranging from setting up cctv inspection software to export data directly to your GIS system, to plotting and reviewing visually specific information on your GIS map, Omega can be your full service solution. |

GPS Collection & Integration
With years of experience collecting survey grade data, Omega can assist you in:●selecting appropriate GPS hardware to meet the demands of your project
●developing a data collection program to create maps
● integrating your existing GPS data into your inspection software
● using your GPS data to build your GIS
We just completed a project with a Florida Engineering firm using Aries Wireless GPS Technology - contact us to learn more about how we can set you up with this! |